Pix Turner
Pix Turner
The Tough One
A little rough around the edges maybe and yeah, they tend to lean on a bad attitude, but Pix surprises you by actually giving a shit. They are fiercely loyal and always trying to stand up for what they believe in...which is exhausting, so they are usually burnt out. They use humor to deflect but if you’re one of the lucky few, they love to get deep, vulnerable and a little weird.
Pix is desperate to make their mark as an artist. They worry that they’ll never get the chance to show the world what they are really capable of.
Cleo Pérez
Cleo Pérez
The Harsh One
High-fashion, avant garde artist that doesn’t apologize for having immaculate taste. She says what she means and means what she says. And though she is never trying to hurt people’s feelings, she doesn’t care if she does. She’s got a soft spot for weirdo’s and authenticity in all forms. Anything “normal” or typical is so fucking boring. She lives for high drama.
She has a hard time keeping a job because she can’t stand being told what to do. She gets bored quite easily and when she does, she entertains herself by causing chaos wherever she can.
Sam Peterson
Sam Peterson
The Sweet One
People tend to write Sam off as a ditzy basic bitch (and she is) but she’s more than that. She’s actually a weirdo with a big generous heart and an overactive imagination. She sees the best in people, maybe even the ones that don’t deserve it, which leads to her being taken advantage of constantly. Thank god her heart is resiliant AF so she bounces back quickly. She’s always day-dreaming and losing focus so she compensates by being an over-active listener, constantly nodding her head and mmhmm-ing. Don’t let the Taylor Swift albums or pumpkin spice latte’s fool you, she’s a little freak that will contantly surprise you with her outta left-field takes on life.
Wants to make a difference in the world by spreading love and kindness. Thinks heavily about aliens, ghosts and the bachelorette.
Tommy Salvatore
Tommy Salvatore
The Wild Card
Tommy does a little bit of everything. He also, basically, does nothing. He seems to always be absorbed in some random side-mission when his friends call him. That doesn’t stop him from showing up though. He might be the most reliable flake you’ve ever met. He has a habit of going on craigslist and volunteering his time to help strangers with problems. It all started when he heroically saved a stray cat. He loves to learn and listen, sprinkle in a little weed smoking and a venture into a new part of Brooklyn and that’s a perfect day in Tommy’s book.
Isn’t too bothered about the future or what others deem as succeful. He’s more interested in having a fulfilling life.
Randy Daniel's
Randy Daniel's
The Bartender. Genuinely nice. Great Listener. Actually funny.
Randy is a rare one. A cis-het guy that is sensitive, kind and just, like, truly cares about other people. It’s what makes him a great bartender and why he’s been doing it for so long. He’s physically very funny. He moves his body in a surprisingly graceful way and has great rhythm. He’s easily excitable and sincerely invests in whatever is happening in the moment. He has a quiet confidence about him that he likes to cover up with self-depricating humor.
He’s worked at the same bar for 17 years. He’s also had the same schedule for 17 years. He finds comfort in the routine.