No Experience Necessary

Episodes 1-3

The first three episodes, we are immersed in the group dynamic. These are best friend’s that hang out at the same bar whenever they can. They’ve gone through their 20’s with each other and know alllll the bullshit. They also love each other and would do anything to support one another. In the first 2 episodes, we learn of their world, their problems, their dreams. We see things beginning to crumble and by the end of episode 2 big decisions are made. This is where the series takes on it’s true absurdist form. The third episode is shot 3/4 as an animation. The final 1/4, it’s revealed that it may have just been Sam’s hallucination while still a little fucked up at work.

Episode 1

Another shitty day, another shitty audition. Pix retreats to the comfort of their local dive where their best friend, Cleo, finds out she’s been rejected from another job. In desperation, she asks Pix to get her hired as a Birthday Party Clown. Hugo, Pix’s boss, agrees and Cleo shadow’s Pix. At their last party, a bunny dies, traumatizing the kids and the clowns. They go back to the bar to find Tommy and Sam had their own adventure. Who’s gonna take care of these kittens?

Episode 2

Pix has to face the bunnies at work. Their whole day turns into an anxiety nightmare focused on the bunny and the box. Sam is bonding with her new coworker who ends up playing wingman, inviting their hot boss out for team building. Sam and Mike end up hooking up! The best night ever turns into the worst morning when Mike fires her. Cleo can’t stop painting cages and Tommy looks for homes for the kittens.

Episode 3

Stylized as a cartoon, the last bunny leaves Downtown Clowns and escapes into the wilderness. He comes upon a clan of wild bunnies and learns of the outside world. There is a different sort of brutality here. He yearns for a better world, of freedom AND safety. He breaks off and starts his own community filled with love and support but is eventually overtaken and put in a box made to torment him. We then shift to Sam’s POV, she was stoned and staring at a Christmas bunny in the Macy’s Santaland where she is working as an Elf and hating her life.

Episodes 4-6

These episodes expand the world as we travel down the rabbit hole. Episode 4 is Randy’s episode. He’s been in the background up until now. We don’t know much about him, except that he bartends for this group and has become apart of it. Here we get to understand his inner workings. In Episode 5, we again turn the show on it’s head as the style changes into a mockumentary. The Dominatrix job twist’s Pix’s perception and moves the needle on what normal looks like. In episode 6, Cleo joins a MLM that ends up being a cult. It becomes clear that this city is a breeding ground for corruption and under the table shenanigans. The whole group is in a dark place at this point.

Episode 4

Randy’s Episode. We follow his day through the bar. It’s almost the same every day. He genuinly likes his job and is very good at it. He’s content. The bar is bought out by someone who wants to make it “better” and more commercial. The bar slowly turns into a TGIF style restaurant. Randy needs to rethink his life and start over after having been at the same place for 17 years.

Episode 5

Pix starts at the Sex Dungeon. It’s filmed in the mockumentary style. Very much the office type humor and characters...but in a sex dungeon. Pix excels at first but starts to party with the girls a little too much. Tommy get onstage at a rally and becomes the face a revolution. Randy and Sam commiserate over shitty jobs... is there chemestry here?

Episode 6

Cleo wants to be her own boss so bad she gets sucked into an MLM that turns out to be cult. They sell health smoothies. Randy decides he wants to open up his own bar. He starts plans for a venue that his amazing artistic friends can show off their work. Part gallery, part performance venue and super fun bar. The sex dungeon has an article written about it. With the “privacy” ruined business dries up.


Between 7 and 8 there is quite the time jump. Damn kids, they grow up so gosh darn fast.


Pix and Tommy have a heart to heart, he convinces them to leave the dungeon and follow their dreams. He also has a heart to heart with Cleo and convinces her to leave the cult and follow her dreams. What are Tommies dreams though? He seemingly has so much and yet is so alone. What does he even want? This gets David Lych-like by having a micro and macro dream sequence.


Pix writes a young adult novel that becomes very popular. They are then paid to write an adaptation as a movie. Cleo stages a Beckett-like play that is visually stunning. They all meet up at Randy’s bar where Sam just performed. There is a nostalgic quality to seeing them all together. It’s been awhile and they’ve all changed so much. Randy and Sam finally take the plunge.


These episodes are done in the style of 8 1/2


Pix wrestles with the fact that their last work was so popular and the fear that this next peice won’t be. They want to spread their wings as an artist but people aren’t getting it. They want to put Pix in a box. Pix doesn’t want to go in the box. Wait, is Pix the bunny? Flashback to the cartoon. Pix is the bunny in the box. They find the determination to break free.


Pix struggles with their relationship to gender and womanhood. There is a fantasy dinner with every woman that has ever impacted them. It gets complicated. Pix toggles between love, disgust, need and dismissal. Then they release their movie, it’s a total flop. Thank god. Now they have the freedom to explore, grow and change.